Graphic Identity
Open Call
Sophia Estudante 2022 is a short-movies cinema contest done in Portugal. This open-call for graphic design students consisted on delivering a poster design for the graphic identity contest. I joined this open-call through ETIC_Algarve and became the second award winner.

The identity proposal pretends to represent in a minimalist and objective way the role of the director in the cinema. Through the use of simple shapes there are represented two cameras, the exterior one, the one which is recording, and the interior one, that is presented in an appealing visual style reinforcing the crucial performance of the director. Together with DOP, he is the one inside the movie, and put’s himself one step ahead of the camera by having the clear vision in his mind of where the camera should point and shoot. The use of the red color symbolizes the passion, dedication and commitment that a movie director must have to turn an idea into something brilliant.

Graphic Identity
Open Call
Sophia Estudante 2022 is a short-movies cinema contest done in Portugal. This open-call for graphic design students consisted on delivering a poster design for the graphic identity contest. I joined this open-call through ETIC_Algarve and became the second award winner.

The identity proposal pretends to represent in a minimalist and objective way the role of the director in the cinema. Through the use of simple shapes there are represented two cameras, the exterior one, the one which is recording, and the interior one, that is presented in an appealing visual style reinforcing the crucial performance of the director. Together with DOP, he is the one inside the movie, and put’s himself one step ahead of the camera by having the clear vision in his mind of where the camera should point and shoot. The use of the red color symbolizes the passion, dedication and commitment that a movie director must have to turn an idea into something brilliant.